Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lev built a wall.

Hello all. Been such a slow couple of weeks due to the horrid amounts of rain we've had. As well as discovering a few leaks in the roof (we've got the iron, just need some good weather), we also discovered some drainage issues in the yard. Here's a look.

we'll eventually cement most of this in and make a carport.

vegie garden drowning. not cool.

But despite all the rain Lev has still been working away at his wall. It's been a lengthy process because he'll start rendering and then it'll start to rain and he'll whip out his trusty airforce tarp, stand on the veranda and wait. But funnily enough, I said in the last blog we decided to do the wall to keep stray dogs out, but over the weekend we had our friends little staffy over for a sleepover, and the walls new job was to keep the dog in. The kids had a ball playing with Bella, she kept Jules and Abel busy for hours, while Illy looked on in constant fear. But she's getting better.

But back to the wall. Here's some pics and I'll get Lev to add his little bit about it all tomorrow night when he's not sleeping.

slowly rendering.

all it needs now is a bit of paint.
 And to conclude, I was walking up those god forsaken stairs to pick up a screaming child and kicked my little toe. I looked down and saw it was sticking out all wrong. It's so broken. It's the toe at the end of the bone I broke last time. It's bruised, swollen and really bloody hurts, and I feel really stupid.

1 comment:

  1. wow its looking great!! nice that when it rains in Bowen ppl still in shorts!!! its getting colder each day in Tas
